Monday, April 5, 2010

In the beginning....

Beer and the craft of brewing have been around since as early as 6000 BC. An Ancient Iraq hymnal, called "The Hymn to the Goddess Ninkasi" was a useful way of remembering a popular beer recipe. Beer has seen the Neolithic Era, seventh-century monasteries, the 1896 Colombian Exposition in Chicago, and is now considered to be the number one alcoholic beverage worldwide (ahead of wine). Over 34 billion gallons of the stuff is brewed annually. Beer is everywhere.

With all of this beer floating around, you might think that someone would have concocted the perfect recipe or the super-beer that would make us meager life-forms tremble in its path (see Brooklyn Black Ops Stout). There in lies the implicit beauty of beer. There is no right way to do it. This creates a plethora of options for people like me. My goal with this blog is to explore and report on some of those options, and if I have a little fun doing it, then so be it.
I will be posting some beer reviews that I have already written, plus adding a few new ones just to kick this thing off right. Stay thirsty, my friends!

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